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Weight loss

It is very important to have the normal and healthy body weight, since obesity is the main cause for many disorders and diseases. Furthermore, a person with normal body weight looks healthier and more beautiful. However, after the weight losing, another problem appears and that is the loosening and sagging of the skin. The wrinkles on the skin usually are caused by the fluctuations in the body weight. Therefore, it is important to apply certain creams when we are on a diet. Moreover, the pregnant women have the problem with the skin on the belly after the childbirth, because the skin was stretched considerably in that area. The shrinking of the skin depends on many factors, such as the age of the person and elasticity of the skin, and also it takes some time to resume the former condition.

Tips to improve the elasticity of the skin

The proper treatments, as well as routines, may restore and improve the elasticity of the skin. It is extremely important to follow the tips in order to increase the elasticity of the skin and thus maintain the skin fit even after the weight loss or age. There are several things that we can do at home for our skin, especially if we are on a diet. If we improve the elasticity of the skin, thus we prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

When we are having a shower, it is recommended to alternate hot and cold water. This is very beneficial for the shrinking and expanding of the skin. Furthermore, the skin should be treated with a combination of sour cream and olive oil. First, we should add a bit of olive oil to the bath and soak for a while in it. Afterwards, we should apply a small amount of sour cream all over the body.

A medical grade wrinkle cream should be used also because this cream contains active ingredients that help the growth of the protein elastin. Collagen and elastin are considered to be the most effective remedies for the wrinkled skin. The wrinkle creams that contain copper peptides are the best because copper peptides promote the growth of elastin and new skin cells. These creams should be applied twice a day. Moreover, it is also recommended to drinks plenty of water, at least eight glass a day. It is very good for the hydration of the skin. A well-hydrated skin is at lower risk to develop wrinkles.

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