Endocervical Polyps
These cancerous growths are the most common benign tumors of the cervix, especially for women between 40 and 60 years of age. In most cases, these tumors present no symptoms or some bleeding after orgasm or thick vaginal discharge (known as leukorrhea). These abnormal cell growths have polypoid structure and can be differentiated from endometrial polyps only microscopically. Under the microscope doctors are able to see and determine exact cause of these polyps. Common medical treatment involves removal of the polyps with punch biopsy or dressing forceps or with some surgical intervention.
Small bluish-red or bluish-black lesions in the cervix may indicate endometriosis. In most cases, this happens during some previous surgery or during childbirth.
These benign tumors are rare to be found in the cervix and they usually look like hemangiomas in any other part of the body.
Heterologous Tissue
Benign tumors containing heterologous tissue, such as skin, nails, cartilage or glia are rarely found in cervix. Doctors speculate that these represent implants left after some aborted pregnancy in the past. However, heterologus tissue doesn’t have to be associated with previous abortion and these benign tumors may appear de novo.
Smooth muscle tumors or leimyomas are usually small when they appear in the cervix, about 5 to 10mm in diameter. If patients have certain problems because of this benign tumor, it has to be treated.
Mesonephric Duct Remnants
These tumors are usually located in the cervical stroma and they are vestiges of Wolffian duct. In most cases these are several millimeters big.
Microglandular Hyperplasia
This medical term refers to polypoid growth in the cervix, about 1 to 2cm big. It is often found in pregnant women or after childbirth, as well in women using oral contraceptives or Depo-Provera. Sometimes, microglandular hyperplasia may resemble clear cell carcinoma, but there are differences in these two conditions useful to determine which cervix problem it is.
Papillary Adenofibroma
This is not common benign tumor of the cervix, but it has similar polypoid structure as microglandular hyperplasia. Similar structures may also be seen in the fallopian tubes and in the endometrium.
Squamous Papilloma
Cervix affected by some trauma or inflammation may also show signs of benign solid tumor (called squamous papilloma). These tumors are very small, just several millimeters in diameter and the treatment is their removal from the cervix.
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