Bariatric surgery or gastric bypass surgery is a type ofweight loss surgical procedures, used in extremely obese people. By performingthis surgery, bariatric surgeon will decrease the part of the patient’s stomachfor good. Reduction of the stomach may be performed by stapling, banding orcutting of the stomach and all these procedures result with the decrease insize of the stomach and the food intake.
This surgical procedure is proven to be working and helpingpatients to lose extra weight. As with any other surgery done under the generalanesthesia it carries certain risks and the patients should be warned about thepotential dangers of the gastric bypass surgery. The full recovery is expected6 weeks after the surgery and it significantly changes the life of a patient.
Bariatric Surgery Recovery Period
After the surgery, you won’t be able to eat anything for thefirst 24 hours. One ounce of water every hour is the only thing you could take.After that first day, up to 3 weeks after the surgery, doctors usuallyrecommend liquefied food. Most doctors and dietitians suggest taking proteinshakes, and the dose is about 2 ounces every hour. Add 2 ounces of some liquid(non-carbonated, without caffeine, low calorie) every 15 minutes. Patients areadvised to drink clear water on unsweetened tea and chew multivitamin tabletsevery day.
After first 3 weeks, patients can slowly incorporate somesolid food into the menu. However, bread, pasta, rice and peanut butter should stillbe avoided. Water should still be taken every 15 minutes, as well as somemultivitamins.
10 weeks after the surgery, if your stomach is respondingwell to soft food, you can eat normal food. Include one by one type of normal food tothe menu, just to be sure how your body will react to it.
Dietary Changers for Bariatric Surgery Patients
As we already said, this surgical procedure will physicallyreduce the size of your stomach. Because of that, you won’t be able to eatlarge portions of food as you might used to do. Also, your stomach will digestless food at a time, and if you overeat, it could get very painful and unpleasant.If you experience any of these symptoms, you may consult your doctor.
Nutritionists advise low calorie, low sugar and high proteindiet for bariatric patients. Maximal caloric intake should be about 1100 calories perday, and these patients are suggested to use mineral and vitamin supplements. Multivitaminsand zinc, calcium, iron and folic acid supplements are what bariatric surgerypatients need and should take.
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