Mini gastric bypass is a type of the bariatric surgery performed to reduce the size of the stomach. The goal of the surgery is weight loss in obese people. This surgical procedure is classified as minimally invasive. It does not last long and it is simple. And what is most important it is highly successful. Many people can afford mini gastric bypass surgery since it is not so expensive.
History of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Bariatric surgery evolves every day since doctors obtain more and more information about body's response to surgical changes. Technological improvement is another reason why this type of surgery becomes more popular and advanced. Certain bariatric surgeries are no longer performed since they do not provide with the desirable effects and lead to serious complications. There is a variety of gastric bypass surgeries. Loop gastric bypass for example was first performed in 1967. The same year doctors introduced open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. From 1993 open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was also possible by laparoscopic approach. And mini gastric bypass was introduced in 1997.
Mini Gastric Bypass
Bariatric surgery has become very attractive field in medicine due to continuous rise of obese patients. Many morbidly obese people can lose weight only if they are operated. Mini gastric bypass is a variation of gastric bypass surgery. This surgery is connected to the roots of the simple loop reconstruction and it is additionally improved.
During the procedure the surgeon creates a long narrow gastric pouch. The new stomach is then connected to the side of the small intestine with bypass of 6 feet. This surgery is not so expensive and lasts less than 45 minutes. It includes fewer staple lines which makes it simpler comparing to other gastric bypass surgeries. It is performed laparoscopically and patients are usually discharged from the hospital after one day. The risks of mini gastric bypass are minimal, there is no significant loss of blood and the most important thing is that mini gastric bypass can be easily reversed or revised. After the surgery there is noticeable decrease in hunger, satiety is increased and the overall results include excellent long-term weight loss.
Risks and Side Effects of Mini Gastric Bypass
Mini gastric bypass is considered relatively safe procedure. Potential complications of this surgery include leak, bowel obstruction, formation of blood clots and infections such as pneumonia. All the patients who have undergone mini gastric bypass must be carefully monitored for potential calcium and iron deficiencies.
Since the surgery is performed by well-experienced surgeons complications occur rather rarely.
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