Azithromycin and the main characteristics
Azithromycin is a medication that belongs to the group of antibiotics, and that is usually prescribed for the treatment of various infections that are caused by bacteria, but it also used for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and chancroid. When it comes to viral infections, this antibiotic is not effective at all, so its use in such cases should not be considered. Its mechanism of action is simple; it affects certain activities that are responsible for bacteria’s ability to make proteins and multiply, and it kills them. In order to work properly, it has to be taken exactly as prescribed, which means each day at the same time, with a glass of water, and with food, if necessary.
Possible side effects of azithromycin
There certainly are side effects related to this medication, but the fact is that with the proper use, many can be avoided. For example, since there are certain medications that should not be combined with this antibiotic, it is necessary to inform the doctor about all the drugs, supplements and vitamins that might be taken at that moment. Some of the potentially dangerous combinations include simultaneous use of azithromycin with warfarin, aluminium or magnesium antacids, digoxin, carbamazepine, triazolam, or quinine. Also, people who suffer from some kind of liver or kidney disease or failure, those who have some problems with heart, or those who have any kind of medication allergy should not be prescribed with azithromycin at all, or the dosage should be adjusted (lowered). The same goes for breastfeeding and pregnant women, and people who are about to have a surgery.
According to the results of some studies that have been conducted on the side effects of this antibiotic, the most commonly reported are nausea, diarrhea, headache, pain in the stomach and rash that cannot be explained, but all of them are considered to be rather mild and they don’t require additional medical treatment. Still, those that indicate that the medication should not be used any more are blood in the stool, yellowing of the skin and other signs that indicate jaundice or problems with liver, wheezing, problems with breathing and swallowing, irregular heartbeat and other signs that indicate severe allergic reaction. Very rarely, azithromycin may cause constipation, heartburn, vertigo, lower blood pressure, ringing in the ears, dehydration and increased sun sensitivity.
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