Sleep apnea is the medical condition characterized by snoring. The person experiences an obstruction of the nasal airways, which causes for uneven breathing, with pauses, and snoring, When this pause ends, the person experiencing sleep apnea stops snoring.
Doctors differentiate three types of sleep apnea. There is obstructive sleep apnea, caused by some physical blockage of the airways and more than 80% of sleep apnea patients suffer from this type of illness. Central sleep apnea is caused by some malfunction in the brain. Part of the brain that should send a signal to your lungs to breathe is not working and the affected person suffers from central sleep apnea. Yet another type of sleep apnea is known as complex, and this is a medical condition characterized by combination of both before mentioned sleep apnea types.
Conventional Treatment Options
Conventional medicine usually treats sleep apnea patients using devices designed to control breathing. Some of the devices are BiPAP (Bi-level positive airway pressure) and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). Oral appliance therapy and surgery are also conventional options for people suffering from sleep apnea. Doctors might recommend tracheostomy, maxillomandibular advancement or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, as solutions for your problem with breathing during the night.
Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Sleep Apnea
Naturopathy and homeopathy practices might be very helpful for some, suffering from sleep apnea. However, you should know that there is no proof any of these treatments will work for you. Probably the best option is to use both conventional and alternative treatments. If your doctor agrees, you can try any of the following to relieve the symptoms or help your body deal with sleep apnea.
Yoga exercises are proven to help many patients suffering from this breathing problem. Breathing techniques used in yoga, called pranayamas, can regulate your breathing and remove the blockage in your nasal passages.
Singing and playing some instruments (like a didgeridoo, for example) can also resolve your sleeping problems that are related to sleep apnea. These simple actions, performed regularly over a period of time, could make your airways muscles stronger and cure your problem.
Acupuncture treatments are claimed to be able to regain normal sleeping patterns in a matter of days. Most acupuncture practitioners will recommend you, to change your diet and lifestyle, and to avoid caffeine in all drinks, while the treatment lasts.
Homeopathic remedies containing lachesis or homeopathic opium are prescribed to some sleep apnea patients. After a consultation, a homeopathic practitioner will recommend the remedy appropriate for your medical condition, but also for your personality and life style. Many times, these practitioners advise to avoid sugar in any form.
Also, there are some common sense tactics to try out. Change your sleeping position to ease your breathing problems while sleeping. Avoid alcohol, sedative drugs and smoking, and lose some weight if you are obese. All these can be very helpful with your sleep apnea.
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