Hypertension and African American Women
A study performed in the US has confirmed that a problem called hypertension seems to target African American people most. The reason why this is so is the fact that African American tent to visit doctors on very rare occasion and this can produce problem with the hypertension since it stays in the body dormant for a long time and it is hard to be detected. Once the problem becomes detectable by an individual, life can be in danger due to the high blood pressure. The connection between the hypertension and African Americans exists and Department of Health is trying to cut off this relationship. White people seem to develop hypertension problem a bit later than African Americans. Also white people undergo many medical tests which may detect the problem. One study states that hypertension causes death by stroke 80% more among African Americas. Also, hypertension causes high blood pressure and heart problems, which is lethal in 50% cases. Also, death rate connected with the end stage of the kidney disease is 320% higher. As we have said, hypertension is a problem that stays dormant in the body and causes a lot of damage to the human health. High blood pressure is a problem that is being discovered among African American women aged between 18 and 45, and this a very early time for stroke and heart diseases to occur. There are many illnesses and complications that may develop further, but they can be prevented with the treatment of high blood pressure.
There are many forms of treatment, among which are medications and lifestyle alterations. Another issue associated with the high risk of hypertension among African American women is a lack of physical activity. They are unwilling to introduce some physical activity into their lives. Vitamins, herbs and other remedies are useful for decreasing the cholesterol and fat. Weight will have to be decreased if there is a problem with excess body mass. Blood pressure problems can be controlled with the magnesium and potassium supplements. Oral contraceptives can increase blood pressure among African American women so other forms of contraception should be found. Several medications are usually given for the hypertension problem and water pill or diuretic is the most common medication given to the African Americans for hypertension. There are some complications associated with the hypertension and certain complications. Environment, genetics and lifestyle have made African American women most prone to the hypertension when compared to the Hispanic and white women.
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