Most people know that the appendix is not an essential part of the body and it does not contribute to any of the body functions that are important for the well being of a person. On the other hand, a person may only experience certain problems with an appendix. Appendix projects from the large intestine and it is tubular in structure and some 3 inches long. Appendix is located in the lower right part of the abdomen. There are various factors that can lead to an inflammation of the appendix. Such factors are an obstruction created by either water or food, cancer or some sort of an infection. Apart from the inflammation, pus may also form inside of the appendix. When that happens, a person will suffer from a certain condition called appendicitis. Such a condition should be treated right away. In cases when it is not treated straight away a person may end up suffering from some severe infection of the abdominal cavity. However, this happens when the appendix bursts open. This is the main reason why it is important to see the symptoms of appendicitis. If they are seen on time, a person can treat them and then he or she will not experience certain complications.
Signs and symptoms associated with acute appendicitis
There are various signs that point to appendicitis but some are more obvious than others. For instance, the most obvious symptom of acute appendicitis is pain in the navel which spreads to the lower right area of abdomen. A person who suffers from appendicitis will experience tenderness in the right lower part of the abdomen when it gets touched. In most cases a person will experience sharp pain in that area upon touch.Apart from the pain, a person usually suffers from nausea and vomiting. When a person already feels pain, he or she should not go jogging, walking, running, lifting weights because these activities will only worsen the pain. Laughing can make the situation worse as well. Bad appetite, constipation and inability to pass gas are also some of the symptoms that occur quite often. In some cases a fever is present. Some people claim that they suffered from diarrhea, swelling of the abdomen, painful urination and cramps when they discovered that they had appendicitis. People who have diabetes, AIDS, cancer or are obese may not experience the same symptoms as the rest.
In most cases, the appendix is removed via surgery.
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