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B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins. These vitamins have an essential role to play in cell metabolism. For a long period of time, B vitamins were thought to be one single vitamin but that is not the situation today. The truth is that these vitamins are chemically distinguishable vitamins that are usually seen in the same foods. The experts have come up with supplements that contain all eight B vitamins. Such a supplement is referred to as vitamin B complex. On the other hand, individual supplements are called by the name of each vitamin.

Benefits of vitamin B complex

Every vitamin provides certain health benefits for the body and the situation is also the same with B vitamins. These vitamins provide support and influence the increase of metabolism rate. Hair, muscle tone and skin depend a lot on this complex of vitamins as it makes them look healthy. The immune system is a lot stronger if there are enough B vitamins in the system. Functions of the nervous system work a lot better due to B vitamins. Cell growth and division function a lot better in situations where there are sufficient B vitamins. A certain study even proved that the risk of cancer of the pancreas is lessened due to B vitamin complex. However, this benefit is not seen in situations where a person takes the vitamins in form of tablets. The risk is reduced only when the vitamin enters the system through foods.

In addition to all these benefits, B vitamins play a vital role in growth, development and activities of enzymes and proteins. The role of these vitamins in proteins is especially significant as proteins regulate chemical reactions which turn food that a person consumes into energy and other substances. B vitamins are the part of both animal and plant food sources.

Because of these and many other reasons it is vital that people do not exclude these vitamins from the diet. Various health problems can easily be avoided if a person intakes the right amount of B vitamins. However, when reduction of risk of cancer is considered, there is still no strong proof that all of the vitamins reduce it. Experts believe that only B9 or folic acid reduces this risk. In addition to this, the experts are still unsure whether B9 plays a part in treatment for those who are already diagnosed with cancer.

Not having enough of some vitamin is called a vitamin deficiency. Those who are diagnosed with it are prone to suffering from certain health disorders. A person who lacks the proper amount of B vitamins can experience anemia, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, depression, tingling sensation in the extremities, muscle cramps, infections of the respiratory system, loss of hair, eczema, improper growth in children and even birth defects. In addition to this, the immune system will no longer be as strong as it should if the system lacks B vitamins. Because of that a person is more prone to various diseases and cancer is one of them.

Various types of foods contain B vitamins. Whole grains, potatoes, liver and dairy products contain vitamins B1 and B2. Fish, liver, chicken and nuts are excellent providers of B3. B5 can be found in practically every food type. Fish, pork, dried beans and bananas have a lot of B6. When B7 is considered, the experts say that intestinal bacteria creates it but it can also be found in egg yolks, peanuts, mushrooms and watermelon. Mushrooms also have B9 and so do green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, wheat bread, liver and peas. The last B vitamin, B12, is found in eggs, meat, poultry, shellfish and milk products.

Vitamin B Prevents Cancer

The researchers did not think that B vitamins can prevent cancer until a few decades ago and that is the main reason why the researches started then. The data on B vitamins is not a vast one but rather limited. The main sources are animal studies and observational epidemiologic studies. Both of these types of studies are not as nearly as strong as randomized controlled clinical trials. Due to this fact they should be considered with a lot of caution.

Several studies proved that an increased intake of B9 vitamin may reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, this is the situation mainly in those who are diagnosed with vitamin deficiency. The results of studies on effect of this vitamin on other types of cancer were not always good.

Certain observational epidemiologic studies hinted that B6 is in connection with the decreased risk of colorectal cancer. Not a lot of randomized clinical trials were preformed and a majority of them showed that the intake of B vitamin supplement did not lessen the risk of cancer. Due to this fact the scientists still remain unsure whether taking B vitamins will or will not reduce the risk of developing any type of cancer.

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