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Caesarean section is the common name for the alternative way to deliver a baby. It is needed in the cases when the normal delivery is potentially threatening for the life of a mother. This intervention is simply based on making the incision over the abdomen and taking out the baby through this very opening. This is a safe way to go through a childbirth, however, it can go wrong. That is, very common are the complications of the accompanying infectious processes that may happen because of the incision.

Possible infectious process

This case scenario is frequent, although the sterility of the surgical instruments is a must. Nevertheless, the infection can affect the internal organs (e.g. urinary tract or uterus), but it is even more frequent on the very place of the cut. In addition, the infections of the internal part of the reproductive system are more severe, hence they must be treated with the medications that annihilate the bacteria and which are to be administered through the vein, while, in the worst cases, another surgical intervention is required. On the other hand, when the infection is somewhat milder, it is usually reduced only by the therapy based on the mentioned drugs.

The most prominent indicators of the milder infection are also the aching over the scar (which can, additionally become separated, in the case of having the history of the same intervention), the hardened stool and the rare bowel movements, the vaginal bleeding may occur, and there could appear some hemorrhoids, and so on.

However, there could be some more dangerous accompanying problems, such as the rupture of or the damage on some capillary, vain or artery, the formation of a blood clot, the tearing of the scar tissue or the membrane of the uterus, the troubles with the hypertension, the injuries of the organs of or nearby the reproductive system, and even the problems with heart and lungs.

The bigger possibilities of these unwanted complications happening are among the diabetics, the people who suffer from the diseases that are passed on through a sexual contact, the people who suffer from some seizures and nervous damages, the ones who had some bigger bone breakages, and the individuals who have certain problems with kidneys, coronary and the respiratory system. Of course, the people who consume the harmful substances are far more susceptible for each of these possible complications. And all these are the reasons to pay a great attention of history of diseases, if having any.

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