During the past decade, AIDS and HIV has spread around the world significantly. Namely, more than 40 million people live with AIDS or HIV at this moment, with about 5 million new people getting infected yearly. Thus, taking into consideration the severity of this situation, numerous governments and countries have decided to dedicate one day of the year to focusing on finding a successful treatment and managing to battle this cruel disease. Also, the World's Aids Day is the time when people have the opportunity to learn more about this condition and all the possible means of prevention.
Then and Now
This illness is still relatively young, firstly diagnosed in the 1980s. Regardless, we are still incapable of battling it in any other way but by protecting ourselves adequately. Even though medicine has managed to discover Retroviral cocktails, these are still not capable of dealing with this virus permanently.
On the other hand, the rest of the society does not seem to be very helpful. Rather, people with AIDS and HIV are constantly exposed to discrimination, isolation and negativity. The rest of the world guards itself by thinking how the same cannot happen to them, pretending that AIDS and HIV do not even exist. Of course, this is a wrong standpoint and all of us need to work together in order to make some real progress.
Living with AIDS
Silent and discriminated, AIDS and HIV sufferers never reacted adequately, seeking help. Thus, only when the disease started spreading more increasingly did we realize that something is wrong. Contrary to popular belief, gays, women, promiscuous people and bisexuals are not the main causes of this problem. Moreover, neither are the poor members of the world's society. In fact, gay people are the most aware members of human society when it comes to AIDS and HIV prevention and characteristics, being the safest at the same time. The rest of the planet, through ignorance and intolerance, as well as lack of support and empathy, only makes matters worse.
A Necessity for a Change
We need to become more aware, learning more about this illness, collecting money and working together towards the solution of this problem. Boycotting the endangered ones and disallowing them to be protected is a shameful act.
In Argentina, more than 120,000 people are HIV positive, while only 29,000 of them are seeking medical attention regularly. Moreover only 65% of these individuals actually receive proper treatment. The people of Argentina are giving their best to enlighten the population of their country regarding AIDS and HIV and to teach them that using protection during sexual intercourse is an absolute must. Follow this example and make a change yourself, until it is too late.
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