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Panic Attack

A panic attack is a sudden and unexpected feeling of the fear and anxiety. The heart starts to pound and people experience shortness of breath. There are many more symptoms which drive the person crazy. People who are experiencing panic attack may feel they are crazy. In extreme cases panic attacks may seriously interfere in one's life and even the simplest daily activities.

Panic attacks need to be reported to professionals since if left untreated they may progress to panic disorder and cause additional problems. Treatment will help with the symptoms, eventually eliminate them and help the patient to regain control over his/ her life.

Symptoms of Panic Attack

The most common symptoms of panic attack include:Shortness of breath and feeling of being smotheredChest tightness or chest painRapid heartbeatExcessive sweatingShakingLightheadednessMuscle ache or tingling sensationsAbdominal discomfortUrgent need for urinationRinging in the erasProblems with visionDry mouthFacial numbnessSense of imminent doomFear of dyingFear of going madIncreased and generalized anxietyWorries about health or concerns that there something wrongNot all of the previously mentioned symptoms occur in all patients. The symptoms in panic attack are simply reflection of increased anxiety. Patients are perfectly healthy yet the body responses to stress and fear.

In some patients physical symptoms dominate while others complain more about psychological symptoms. Patients may even try to control symptoms. This can make the situation only worse and intensify already existing symptoms or even contribute to the occurrence of new ones. Patients become even more frustrated and anxious.How do Panic Attack Symptoms Occur

At the beginning of the attack, symptoms are predominantly caused by the hormone adrenalin. Adrenalin is normally in charge with certain response of the body if there is some kind of danger. Its levels rise and it helps in building of symptoms of the disease.

The symptoms develop and body is subjected to numerous physiological changes which commonly affect circulation, heart, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract. The symptoms become intensive and their presence leads to even higher anxiety in patients and all of the previously mentioned repeats and the cycle starts all over again.

Treatment for Panic Attacks

Symptoms of panic attacks can be eliminated if the cycle of panic is eradicated. It is, therefore, important for all the people who have experienced many of the previously mentioned symptoms to visit their doctors.

Help can be obtained from professionals. There are certain medications which are rather helpful. Some of them include beta-blockers, antidepressants and many more. Psychotherapy is one more way of coping with symptoms. The best possible results are achieved by a combination of these two treatment modalities.

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