Excessive Hair Where There Should Not Be Any
There are women who are suffering from having excessive amounts of bodily hair growing in the places where women usually do not have prominent hair. This involves the face, arms, chest and other, unusual areas like this. What is more, these hairs tend to be strong and long, making the problem even worse. Therefore, besides baldness, being one of the greatest problems of males predominantly, we have hirsutism troubling women around the world.
Causes of Excessive Bodily Hair Growth in Women
Even though this condition has been quite mysterious and the exact cause of it has not been determined yet, it is likely that this problem has a lot to do with hormonal activities in an affected woman's body. Quite simply, too much male hormones in a woman's body can possibly result in this condition. Ideally, estrogen, being the female hormone should be capable of reducing all the effects of androgen, the male hormone which is also located in a woman's body. However, when women start suffering from excessive bodily hair, this is obviously not the case since the predominant hormone in their body is androgen, making their soft bodily hair mutate into hard, male-like, hair which grows faster and is far more prominent.
Since male hormones in a female body are produced either in the ovaries or the adrenal glands, some problems and abnormalities within these two body parts may be the direct cause of hirsuitism in a woman and should be further looked into. Moreover, there are many different medical conditions, some more serious than the others, all capable of triggering the growth on manly hair on a woman's body.
This usually takes place in puberty. However, it can take place earlier if the male hormone production is too high even in this period.
How May This Condition Be Treated?
Taking into consideration all of the facts mentioned above, a root of the problem needs to be found in order for the problem itself to be treated. Therefore, ovarian problems are to be treated if they exist and cause the troublesome symptoms. Also, an overactive adrenal gland should be regulated with medication. However, once the cause is stopped, remaining excessive hair still needs to be taken care of through shaving, depilatories, laser hair removal or electrolysis. Once these hairs are removed, through hormonal therapy, there is a great chance that these uncomfortable growths will never appear again.
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