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What's the Difference?

Many people do not know the differencebetween the notions of being a vegetarian and being vegan. Moreover,many consider these two the same things expressed through differentnames. However, there is a difference and it is quite a radical one,based on several levels. Either way, both vegetarianism and vegan wayof nutrition, represent far more than mere diet issues. Rather, bothof these are followed by an ideology of sorts and a specific way oflife and attitude towards it. People turn to these lifestyles forhealth, well-being, proper nutrition, and moral as well as ethicalreasons. Thus, next time you start wondering about vegan andvegetarian ways of life, make sure you remember the following.

Vegan vs Vegetarian

Firstly, let us discuss vegetarianism.People who are vegetarians do not consume meat of any sorts, and basetheir diet upon nuts, grains, fruit and vegetables as well as seeds.Occasionally, however, their diet allows consumption of dairyproducts and eggs. Vegetarianism is commonly connected with otherideologies such as religion, politics, culture etc.

There are many sub-classes ofvegetarianism, all being distinctive for certain rules of conduct andlifestyle. Thus, for example, you have vegetarians who eat fish, orpeople who turn to vegetarianism occasionally, while, at all othertimes eating meat. There are also vegetarians who only consume milkand dairy products, while refusing to eat meat and eggs.

On the other hand, being a vegan hasdifferent lifestyle characteristics. Vegans are much stricter whenit comes to their beliefs and ways of conduct. Namely, they do notconsume meat or any other products which involve animals in anypossible way. Thus dairy products and milk, eggs or any possible typeof meat are not a part of a vegan's diet. Moreover, clothes and otheritems made from animal skin or other parts are not acceptable aswell. Vegans care highly for animal rights are often activists in a political, religious, environmental or similar plans. Thefood they do eat, consists of raw and unprocessed plants which areheated beforehand. Of course, there are variations here as well, andthere are people who claim to be vegans, while, at the same time,consuming fish or milk now and then.

Both of these lifestyles have healthbenefits. Thereby, being a vegetarian will grant you low cholesterol,a healthy heart, a longer lasting life, free of diseases likediabetes as well as gallbladder and gallstone problems. Being vegan,on the other hand, will be beneficial for your heart andcardiovascular system even more. Your blood pressure will be lower,type 2 kept at bay, along with cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis andcataracts. Breast cancer is also extremely rare with vegan people.

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