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The human body can be affected by various diseases, of which many are caused by the some type of the bacterium. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can be harmless or dangerous. Bacteria are everywhere around us, and they are even in our body and on our skin. Many types of bacteria are good bacteria and do not cause any trouble. However, if the overproduction of these bacteria is triggered, it may lead to a bacterial infection. Moreover, there are also bad bacteria that penetrate into are body through the contaminated water or food, or through an opening in the skin, for example, through a wound or cut. Bacteria can be also inhaled. Bacterial infections can be internal or external.

The most popular bacteria

Since bacterial infections are very common, many types of bacteria that cause different bacterial infections are well known, for example, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus and Gonococcus. There are many others, but these five types of bacteria cause the most frequent bacterial infections.

Types of bacterial infections

Bacterial infections can be external and the most frequent example of an external bacterial infection is skin infection or acne, which manifests through pimples on the skin. Another more serious skin infection is leprosy, which is caused by the bacteria leprae. This infection is marked by skin sores and progressive degeneration. Many bacteria are found in our digestive system or enter it through the contaminated food or water. Such types of bacteria are Escherichia coli and salmonella and they cause food poisoning and stomach infection. One of the most common infections that cause much distress in women is cellulitis. It is an inflammation of the lowest skin layer. The most common symptom of this disorder is red and painful skin rash that appears on the face and legs.

Staph bacteria cause eye stye, a condition characterized by the emerging of cysts on the eyelids. These cysts are crusty, swollen and painful. One of the throat infections is tonsillitis where the infected person feels the throat as sand paper. Pneumonia and tuberculosis are two well-known bacterial infections of the lungs. The black legged tick is responsible for the occurrence of Lyme diseases in the humans. This condition has its characteristic symptoms such as skin rash, fever, stiff neck and pain throughout the whole body. Lyme disease should be treated as soon as it is noticed, because otherwise it can cause swollen joints and eventually arthritis. The above-mentioned bacterial infections are only some of the numerous bacterial infections.

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