Second Degree Burns
When the body tissue becomes damaged because of the contact with the chemicals, hot liquids, electricity, sunlight, radiation, fire or heat, it is basically suffering from a burn. The name scalds describes the stem or hot liquid that causes the thermal burns, which are actually heat caused injuries. The skin will develop blisters that emit serious pain and thick burns when suffering from second degree burns. There are also the third degree burns, which are worse and the first degree burns, which are less serious than the second degree burns. Loss of fluids may lead to the wet looking skin and usually there is no scarring when these burns are all healed up. Shock is a possibility when suffering from a second degree burns and the burns are larger is size. Remember to see a doctor immediately if you have a burn on the groin, face, feet or hands larger than 3 inches.
The area that has suffered a burn needs to be soaked in a cold water and this is what you need to do initially after suffering a second degree burn. But know that the pain can be increased if you apply too much cold items, so do not use ice cold water or ice. The running tap water is cool enough and stands as the best choice in these situations. If you have burns on the back or the chest, take a shower or use a bucket to pour water on the troubling location. The application of cold water should last for 5 to 10 minutes if the burn is small in size, but do not stop with the cold water use if the burn is larger. Every day you should apply antibiotic creams on the troubling location, along with the wet, clean and cool cloth. Use only dressing that does not stick when covering the burn and never use clothes in this purpose. We recommend using gauze in these situations. Clothes can stick to the burn and cause great pain and problems.
Some problems may be experienced during the recovery such as pus, swelling or redness, and these cases seek a medical assistance. Your hands should be cleaned regularly with antiseptic solution and remember to change dressing and put antibiotic cream every day. Also, restrain from touching or popping the blisters because this will make the recovery time longer and inflict pain. Wait until they pop up and use an antibiotic solution to clear the area. Itching will be felt when the healing starts, but never scratch the burn in this situation. If itching is too severe to handle, dip a cotton ball into an antiseptic solution and apply some of it on the burn, since this will reduce the itching. Painkillers can also be used but only in cases of adults. Remember that you have to see a doctor if the burn is larger or if it has been caused by chemicals or electricity. Home treatment can only be conducted on second degree burns small in size.
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