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Raising a child is one of the most joyful jobs in the world, but also a job that can create a lot of stress in the process. Why is that?Babies and toddlers simply cannot explain if there is something wrong withthem. All they can do is cry, and non-stop crying does induce additional stress, especiallyif parents are not sure what is going on. Therefore, the parents have to be on aconstant alert when it comes to their child’s health.


Toddlers not sleeping through the night can create anightmare for the parents. Babies and toddlers need a lot of sleep in order to growproperly and sleep deprivation simply cannot happen to them. So, when it doeshappen, it is very important to quickly discover and eliminate the cause of it.Sometimes, it might be some really benign thing, like a diaper squeezing toomuch, but if the sleeping problems continue for several nights, something has tobe done.


Sometimes, a child simply sleeps too much over a day and ofcourse, it cannot sleep properly during night. This usually happens when a childis awakened before the usual getup time (because of going to a regular medical checkup, for example).When the sleeping pattern is disturbed, it will take some time to return it to the previousstate. Nightmares can also be the cause of sleeping issues, so therefore, TV andscary stories before the bedtime must be avoided. Room temperature should alsobe in a proper range, and also some small light could be used in a room. There are additional, a bit more dangerous causes. Perhapsmeals are not sufficient, or they are simply too much for a child, especially inthe evening. If a child is under some therapy with medications, sometimes sideeffects may occur. There might be some emotional issues a child cannot dealwith and expresses it through sleeping disturbance.

Whatever the cause, it has to be eliminated because the childreally needs a proper sleeping pattern. If parents cannot find out what isreally going on, then going to a doctor is something that has to be done. Aspreviously mentioned, it might be something not problematic at all, and if thatis the case, removing the cause is easy. But there might be somedanger in those sleeping issues regarding a child’s health, and in those rare cases, immediate and effective action needs to take place.

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