The lowdown on heartburn
Heartburn is a burning sensation that can be felt in the chest and throat area. In most cases a person will feel heartburn after a good meal. A lot of people do not know but good food is not always good for them. Almost everybody felt chest pain after a grand meal. That is heartburn. Researches say that 40% of all people suffer from it at one point in life. Even though it is mentioned in the name, heart has nothing to do with this inconvenience. It is the digestion that causes heartburn. The pain occurs behind the breastbone but it can be felt in the mid-line of the back as well.
Heartburn is not a disease that can be fatal but it can get worse when the esophagus is damaged. A person may have problems with swallowing. If it is not treated a person may suffer from esophageal bleeding or ulcers or even develop the Barrett's syndrome. Lung problems may occur as well.
Most people who suffer from heartburn always go for the antacids to solve their problem. Apart from antacids, there are some stronger medicines which will make sure that it does not come to the forming of acids in the stomach. In cases of hiatus hernia a person will undergo a surgical procedure.
A person should remember that it is very important to pay attention when he or she suffers from heartburn because it might be a heart attack instead. The best option is to go to the hospital.
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