Oral cancer
Cancer can be developed everywhere in our organism, including even the oral cavity. It may occur on the lips or on the gums, as well as on the tongue and underneath it. Other places where oral cancer may develop are the lining of the cheeks, the platelets and the pad in the rear of the wisdom teeth. Oral cancer can be life threatening if it progresses, so it is very important to detect it in the early stages since in the beginning of its development it can be cured successfully.
Oral examination is very important and whenever one goes to the regular physical examination, the doctor should always examine the oral cavity thoroughly. In case the doctor does not do that, there is no reason not to ask them politely to do that. Many doctors do not do that because they assume that the patient goes to regular checkups to a dentist and that the dentists are in charge of the diseases related to the oral cavity.
Those people above 40 years of age and the smokers, as well as the alcoholics and those people who are too much exposed to the sunrays, are at high risk to develop the oral cancer. Nevertheless, it is observed that even in the 25% of the cases of oral cancer, the patients do not belong to any of these categories.
Symptoms of oral cancer
The oral cancer may cause several symptoms and therefore, in order to recognize and cure it promptly and avoid possible complications and even death, it is very important to know what the symptoms of this oral disease are.
The sign of oral cancer may be a sore on the lip, which bleeds and which does not pass even after two weeks. Furthermore, if there is a white or a red part on the tongue, gums or the lining of the mouth, it may also indicate the oral cancer. A lump no matter where in the oral cavity, constant sore throat, ear pain and a change of the voice are also some of the signs of this serious disease.
The oral cancer may also cause an asymmetry on the face, unexplained bleeding and pain in the mouth, and jaw swelling, as well as problematic swallowing and speaking. Every person should do the examination of the oral cavity once a month alone and at least once a year a doctor should perform it. Thus, the cancer will be prevented right in the beginning in case it begins to form.
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