One of the most often disorders of the skin is the disease called psoriasis. It is actually the condition which, from some reason, involves the multiplying of the cells of the skin. We can suspect on this condition if there are the reddish, dry and formations that cause the sensation of itching on the surface of the skin. Also, if those formations are combined with the apparition of the thick layers of the accumulated cells, one can be sure that this is the case of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a chronic condition and cannot be cured totally. But, of course, it can be minimized and the symptoms lessened, with alternative or conventional treatment. However, the biggest problem is that those symptoms are visible, since the parts of the skin that fall off can be very big sometimes. Also, the symptoms can be reduced and worsened from time to time; and not every patient suffers from the same problems associated to psoriasis.The signs of psoriasis
Anyway, this condition is often manifested as the group of the mentioned changes of the skin, but it can also include a lot more following problems. For example, in the advanced stages of this disease, the formations can cause the injuries and bleeding on the skin. Sometimes, the psoriasis can spread onto the nails and joints, which usually results in swelling and numbness of those spots. At this and the similar points, the medical treatment should be provided.
The most important fact is that the symptoms depend on the type of psoriasis. For instance, if the underarm, groin or under the breasts areas are affected, it is called the inverse type, and the symptoms are alleviated by reducing the sweating. But, if the scalp is affected, the best thing to do is to avoid scratching the skin, since the great amount of the dead skin particles tends to come off, concerning this type of psoriasis. However, the scalp may also be affected, such as the case of the guttate psoriasis, which is provoked by bacteria, and which, therefore, should be treated with antibiotics.
The already described in the beginning of the text is the most widespread type of psoriasis, and it can be spread to any part of the body, even into the mouth. When it is spread on the nails, they change in color and in the most serious cases, they can come off. But, when it comes to the affected fingers, feet and hands, it is the case of very rare, so-called postular psoriasis. It differs from all the mentioned types because it is followed by the blister-like formations which contain pus and it could be a more dangerous condition.
And finally, there is one more common type of this condition, medically called psoriatic arthritis, which is actually the complication of psoriasis. It is characterized by the general symptoms of arthritis and may lead to the same possible consequences.
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