Prolapsed uterus
When the normal position of the uterus is not present, the condition called prolapsed uterus is the cause. The uterus changes the location that it should have in the pelvic area. There are a number of soft tissues located in the pelvis, which have very important functions, and they are located around layers of muscles, fasciae (fibrous coverings), diaphragms and many tendons and ligaments. They are extremely important for the supporting the whole pelvis.
There are three types of prolapsed uterus, classified by the severity of the problem and named by degrees. The first occurs when the uterus has sagged to the upper vagina. The second degree is when the cervix reaches the outside of the vagina or it is very near, while the third, which is the most serious case, happens when the uterus goes out of the vagina.
The muscles located in the pelvic area help to hold the pelvic organs in place. When the muscles and ligaments become weaker or stretched, the problem occurs. It is usually caused by multiple or difficult childbirth, but it can also happen because of age. The uterus is under the constant pressure by the pelvic diaphragm.
The problems such as obesity can lead to chronic intra-abdominal pressure rise. Coughing, stress, constipation can lead to the pressure that can also be the cause, along with pelvic and abdominal tumor. This problem mostly affects older women, because the muscles and ligaments become weaker over time. It can also be caused by the pelvic diaphragm atrophy and deprivation of the estrogen. Some studies have shown that the use of hormone replacement therapy can make the process slower.
When the person has problems associated with the prolapsed uterus, visit to the doctor is needed. The doctor will make a physical examination and inquire about the medical history of the patient. In order to see how serious the case is, examination of the pelvis is performed. For the proper examination, a bladder will have to be emptied. When the front area of the vaginal wall suffers the protrusion, the bladder will be affected. Rectum and bowel problems are connected with the back area of the vaginal wall. The disorder may cause the prolapse, and in this case, the disorder must be treated first. This will allow the return of the uterus in the normal position.
If you do not want to change life habits because of the condition, a surgery can be performed. The operation called vaginal hysterectomy removes the vaginal tissue and uterus. It can also include the use of donor tissue, synthetic item or own tissue. The vaginal approach to the operation involves less pain, quicker healing time, and greater cosmetic results, but the results can be short lasting. Chances of the return of the prolapse increase significantly if the uterus is not removed. Laparoscopic approach, with the camera and tiny incisions, can also be used. Remember that anesthesia may provoke certain problems for those with medical problems. We also do not recommend this procedure if you are considering to have more children. Do it only if you do not want any more children. Childbirth can make the problem greater and even return the protrusion.
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