The suspicious morning after pill is called Evital. The FDA points out that this rug has not been approved for use as a morning after pill and may be a counterfeit version of the popular emergency contraceptive Plan B.
The Evital packages that appeared in some Hispanic communities appear to have come from Mexico, and have yellow, black and white packaging. The dosage stated is 1.5 mg, one tablet, and they are said to be manufactured by Fluter Domull (a company that has no website, but a Facebook page... that is a huge red flag right there!).
Before you think that the pill is safe, because it was approved for use in South America there is currently no way to be sure that these pills actually contain active ingredients and can prevent pregnancy. Buying from suspicious sources or online is obviously a bad idea, but with this FDA warning, anyone who buys the morning after pill over the counter should ensure that their contraceptive is in fact legitimate.
In addition to giving warnings about Evital, the FDA also advised anyone who has taken the pill to contact a doctor especially if they are suffering from unusual symptoms. Plan B and ella one have been pointed out as safe options for women who are in need of emergency contraceptives. That's a bit scary, isn't it? At the same time, it is good to have a reminder that any medication can be counterfeit, and that consumers should always be careful.
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