This problem is usually caused by the high fever and electrical activity in babies, which for some reason becomes disturbed. This electrical activity in the brain lasts very short, few seconds, but it can cause some problems with behavior and physical condition. These seizures attack babies as well, and they have some similarities, but generally, they differ. Babies suffer from these seizures that last from few seconds to minutes, and that come in several forms. They are myoclonic, atonic, febrile and epilepsy seizures. There are many other types of seizures and they can be detected with the use of EEG and the responsiveness of the impairment.
We have mentioned fever as one of the common causes, which are also called febrile seizures. Newborns and babies mostly suffer from this problem. Birth defect can also create the problem in question. Brain chemistry can be impaired, or a nerve can become damaged, and these problems may lead to seizures. Tuberous sclerosis and other genetic conditions can lead to seizures in babies. Low levels of calcium, imbalance of electrolyte, bleeding to the brain tissue, low level of blood sugar, encephalitis, meningitis and low level of magnesium can produce seizure problems.
The severity of the problem determines which symptoms are experienced. Also, causes determine the symptoms. The problem of detecting the cause becomes even greater due to the undeveloped nerve system in babies, which makes it hard to connect symptoms with a problem. We can say that jitters are sometimes normal and sometimes they can be created due to some medical problem. Consciousness loss, slow heart rate, balance loss, incontinence, convulsions, teeth clenching, rolling eyes back, drooling, no responsiveness to the stimuli, blank stare, fluttering eyelids, body parts twitching and sudden jerky movement are some of the most common problems associated with seizures in babies.
The cause also determines the method used for the treatment. The cause can be discovered with the use of EEG along with blood tests, CT scan, head ultrasound and spinal tap. Once the problem is discovered, the treatment usually starts with small amount of medications. Then the dosages used become greater. This is done in this way due to the possibility of side effects. Also, if seizures last less than 10 or 15 minutes, medications are not given. If the baby is having a seizure, airways need to be cleared so that the baby does not choke. So wipe the saliva off. Also, a good idea is to show a tape of recorded seizures to a doctor who will have a clearer picture of the problem. If high fever is present, the temperature cannot be permitted to rise above 102 farads.
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