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Tearing ofthe cartilage and recovery

After eachinstance of injury to the meniscus, there is always a period when the tissuerecovers and heals. This time can vary significantly, and there are differentfactors which have an impact on how long a damaged joint will need to recuperate.Some of those factors include the age of the patient and the approach totreating the problem. This article will try to provide you with further info onthe recuperation process of tearing of the meniscus.

Torn meniscusis among the most typical afflictions that strike the knee. After the injuryhas happened, the person will experience pain in the affected area, andsometimes even restriction to their ability to move freely. Meniscus is atissue of cartilage thatcushions between the ends of two bones. It is true that sportspeople usuallysuffer from this kind of injury. However, it is not restricted only to them. Whatsets off this type of injury is a mechanical injury or wearing of the tissuedue to frequent and prolonged use.

In case thecartilage in the joint is thinned down or disappears in some spots, the boneendings start rubbing against each other while the person is moving, and sincethis is not a natural condition serious problems spring up. Since complicationscan occur, it is of utmost importance to seek professional help as soon as theproblem is noticed. There are different choices related to treating the injury,and they determine the time of recovery which follows.

Options fortreating the meniscus

In case aperson has their meniscus ripped, there are two solutions for taking care of theproblem – having a surgery, or opting for a non-surgical approach. After thephysician has performed all the necessary examinations of the injury, they willbe able to determine which kind of approach is the most suitable for theindividual. However, note that surgery is usually avoided if it is possible and non-surgical methods are favored.

After havinga surgery, a typical patient will recover for some four to five weeks. In theinstances where the torn spot of the meniscus is in the middle of the joint,the surgery is much more difficult to perform, and therefore the period of recuperationis longer. After the operation is performed, the patient is advised to abstainfrom walking and other activities for a couple of days.

Injuries thatare taken care of without surgery take around the same time, with the patienttaking some time off from activities for four to six weeks. After they arefinished with the treatment, they will need to follow the rehab exercise planafter the pain is gone and they seem to have healed.

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