Mixing Pain Killers and Alcohol
Pain killers are medications normally prescribed for pain of any kind. There is a variety of pain killers and all of them provide with the same effect- alleviation of painful sensation. All people who are prescribed pain killers are advised not to take these drugs together with alcohol. Namely, mutual intake of painkillers and alcohol can reduce elimination of the drug, increase its concentration in the blood and induce many side effects.
This problem usually affects people who are addicted to alcohol and simply cannot stop consuming this substance even though they should abstain from alcohol during treatment.
What are Effects of Mixing Pain Killers with Alcohol?
The effects of this undesirable combination generally depend on the type of pain killer and concentration of taken alcohol. The worst possible outcome is death caused by depression of the central nervous system. Intake of alcohol with antidepressants can be fatal due to negative effects on the central nervous system and respiratory system. By reducing respiration the brain and other parts of the body are not supplied with proper amount of oxygen. All the reflexes reduce and if not treated on time the condition may result in lethal outcome.
Mixing alcohol with anticonvulsants is also not a good idea. These medications act as powerful mood stabilizers and they effectively calm the nervous system and the neurons. Anticonvulsants are the cornerstone of treatment for epilepsy. In case these medications are taken together with alcohol the chance of getting epileptic attack significantly increases.
One of the most serious combination is the mixture of opoids and alcohol. This combination is in almost all cases lethal. This can be easily explained. Namely, opoids are medications that can effectively deal with pain. They also cause sedation, respiratory depression and several more serious side effects. In case these medications are mixed with alcohol the effects are detrimental. Sedation and respiratory depression are enhanced and the outcome can be fatal.
Acetaminophen is a drug with several side effects. One of these is liver damage. The chance of getting liver damaged during the treatment with acetaminophen is significantly increased if one consumes alcohol.
All patients who are taking painkillers must be familiar with potential side effects of these medications and effects that may occur in case the drug is taken together with alcohol. Self control is the best way to prevent detrimental consequences. However, not all the people stay disciplined and stick to doctor's advise. They are at a higher risk of suffering from many side effects of mixing drugs with alcohol.
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