Oxycodone and the main facts
This medication belongs to the group classified as narcotic pain relievers, and in order to be used, it definitely requires prescription from the doctor due to the fact that it is very likely to cause psychological and physical addiction. This means that it can happen that those people who use it might find after some time that the prescribed dosage is not as effective in relieving the pain as it used to be, and they might increase the dosage on their own. This should never be done without previous consultation with the doctor and their approval, because it can easily make a person become dependant on it. Due to the seriousness of some side effects and interactions, it should be used and prescribed more than carefully.
Symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal
Just as is it the case with any other withdrawal, in this case it also occurs due to the fact that the body has become accustomed to the effects that this narcotic causes. The problem of withdrawal emerges when the person who used to take medications on regular basis suddenly stops to take them, thus depriving the body of the amount that it became accustomed to, and disturbing the levels of it in the blood. It is normal physical reaction of the body, and even though the symptoms might be uncomfortable and unpleasant, none of them is too serious and they go away after some time. They do not differ much from the symptoms of withdrawal when it comes to some other medications, although they might vary in intensity, but it depends on the individual. Some of those that are less unpleasant are: sweating, nausea, watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, abnormal skin sensations, weakness, and pain in the joints and back. On the other side, those that might be more difficult to deal with and those that are scarier in nature are: rapid heart rate, faster breathing, hypertension, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia and abdominal cramps, imagining things that are not there, shivering, mood swings. Symptoms that can be fatal and that definitely require medical attention are cardiac arrest, coma, respiratory arrest, shock, excessive drop in the blood pressure, but these symptoms are generally present in those who abuse oxycodone, or those who overuse it. The symptoms of withdrawal can also be present in infants whose mothers used to take this medication, and they are also possible in newborns
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