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During holidays, the people usually want to do things that they are not able to do over the year. That kind of life style can cause weakness and even depression for some individuals. What happens in the organism is that distress arouses the autonomic nervous system, and here we will discuss about ways to maintain the health of this system.

About autonomic system

Our nervous system can be divided in the voluntary and autonomic system. The first one is responsible for voluntary movements and sensations, and it includes our awareness, while the second one, autonomic, is responsible for vital functions, which include all organs in our body and everything that our body does without our consciousness. Autonomic system is also divided in two systems, sympathetic andparasympathetic.

Sympathetic system is triggered only when there is a perception of some danger, and when activated, it enhances the work of glands and organs. The activity of this system causes numerous changes in our body, so that we have more strength to run or to fight, and this reaction can be very exhausting for the body. There is a lot of energy lost form the body and that causes tiredness.

We can say that parasympathetic system does the opposite to our body, because it helps our body to regenerate and relax, it enhances positive thinking, and cures us physically and psychologically. The longer our parasympathetic system is activated, the longer we are recovering. One of these two systems is always awake, though the sympathetic has the priority, since it has the function to keep us alive. However, parasympathetic system is more beneficial for us and the plan is to keep it activate as long as we can.

Autonomic imbalance

There are balanced individuals, sympathetic dominance and parasympathetic dominance. These three names are used to describe different activation styles of autonomic system. Balanced persons are those who use both, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and can easily switch from one to another. When they want to sleep - they sleep, when they are distressed - they react. Sympathetic dominance describes those individuals who are primarily using sympathetic system. When sympathetic activity is prolonged, a person feels tired and weak.

Parasympathetic dominance can be positive and negative. Negative occurs more frequently due to the exhaustion of sympathetic system, and is very unhealthy. Positive is healthy and it can be seen at those individuals who are living in the presence, feeling happy and loose.

Tips on what to do

Try to think and feel as positively as you can. Appreciate what you have and try to forgive everyone, because it will make you feel happier and more satisfied. Do not look upon others as they are better, and try not to think negatively, which you can do that with the help of a therapist or a friend. Eat healthy food that contains minerals and vitamins necessary for your nervous system. Workouts and sleep are also very important. Try to live a healthy life without too much stress.

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