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Are you pregnant, and anemic? You are not alone. Anemia is extremely common in pregnancy, but that does not mean that it is not something that should be taken very seriously. The body is in need of larger amounts of iron during pregnancy, and iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia a condition where there is a shortage of oxygen in cells throughout the body. A lack of folic acid, something else that is essential during pregnancy, also contributes to anemia. So, what are the natural cures for this condition during pregnancy? Let's take a quick look at the symptoms of anemia before we go on to discuss possible cures.

Anemia often leaves patients feeling tired all the time, and without any energy. It is also associated with pale skin, nails, and lips. Did you know that anemia can also be responsible for shortness of breath or wheeziness? Dizziness, headaches, nausea and heart palpitations are also signs of anemia. Of course, many of these can be normal pregnancy symptoms that are unrelated to anemia. That is why blood tests are carried out as a routine part of pregnant women's prenatal care, so that you can know what is really going on with your body. Now for the cures. Eating foods rich in iron and folate, such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, leeks, dried fruits such as figs, and eggs. Excellent food sources of folate (which is called folic acid when produced artificially) include mushrooms, asparagus and, once again, broccoli.

Foods that block iron absorption should be avoided. On the list of those foods, rich in oxalic acid, are tomatoes, spinach, and chocolate. Caffeine also negatively impacts iron absorption. See our article "Drinking coffee while you are pregnant is it OK?" for more information about this. If a change in your diet does not help, an iron supplement should do the trick.

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