Arthritis is a very real and serious problem that can and will affect you in your older years if you are not careful. It can interrupt and turn your life upside down, affecting predominantly your knees and your elbows.
Explanation of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteoarthritis is caused when the ends of the bones in the joint area rub together on each other thus causing the host a great deal of discomfort and pain. The bones rub together when the cartilage, which is the tissue that soak up the shock and the synovial fluid which is the liquid which acts as a lubricant like WD40, get damaged in some way. Sometimes when there is an infection or some sort of an injury to the tissue in the joint the host may suffer with rheumatoid arthritis. Basically this will happen when the immune system in the body does not do its job, which is to protect the body. Instead it will actually grow abnormal growths of tissue.How to Defend Yourself Against Arthritis
Antioxidants are crucial when it comes to protecting yourself against the nasty effects of arthritis. They work by keeping the cartilage in one piece as much as possible, therefore it is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables. Foods that are full of flavonoids such as cherries will definitely help to fight against the obliteration to your joints. Try things like making a juice out of carrots, cucumbers and beet or have a green salad with some lemon drizzled on it. Pumpkin is a great vegetable for helping your joints as well as coriander and ginger. Pump vitamin E into your system as this will really help your cartilage to rebuild and it will protect them. Everyone is built differently, for example some people’s bodies will not like tomatoes, potatoes or even peppers as they have been linked to the prevention of collagen restoration in the body. How to Ease the Pain of Arthritis
Firstly keep a diary of the foods to eat everyday to see when you suffer with the joint pain and try to see if it matches with any type of food, as some people have small allergic reactions to certain foods which inevitably cause the joint pain. So by getting rid of these particular foods, you will help ease the pain. Some foods will include tea, chocolate, yogurt, sugar, and some spicy foods. Heat therapy can also be helpful in continuing relief.
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