How to treat arthritis naturally?
Even though there is no cure to arthritis, there are ways inwhich the symptoms can be relieved to a certain extent. The majority of peopletends to rely on medications, but the truth is that there are also some naturalremedies, which deserve to be tried out because a number of people claims thatthey are helpful. Some of them are:
Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements help in the processof joint repair and they promote their health. The body produces them on itsown, but those who suffer from arthritis should not rely only on the amount ofthese substances that the body produces, but they should use supplements that contain them.MSM is a compound that contains sulfur and it hasanti-inflammatory properties, which means that its effect is similar to theeffect of arthritis medications which are used in order to decrease swelling.Niacinamide is important for preservation of the integrityof cells and tissues, which results in slowing down the progression of thedisease.Ginger extract can help people with arthritis due to itsanti-inflammatory properties, and when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis andosteoarthritis, as some studies have shown, it proved to be even more helpfulthan NSAIDs. The same goes for turmeric extract.Alternative methods of treatment
Alternative medicine offers a number of techniques andtreatments which can help in cases of pain and inflammation, which are the maincharacteristics of arthritis. Some of them are:
Acupuncture, a technique used by the Chinese for centuries,has the purpose to stimulate the flow of energy, and it is thought that it cancause the release of certain pain-relieving chemicals, which will certainlyhelp to those in pain.Chiropractic is a technique which is frequently employed inthe treatment of arthritis because besides the fact that it helps in gettingrid of the tension and stress, it improves mobility of the body as well.Reflexology is a very old technique which is based onmassage of the palms and feet. In this way, the overall state of the rest ofthe body can be improved and it is a perfect choice for those who are exposedto stress frequently, and for those who want to improve or maintain the overallhealth, which is closely related to arthritis.Yoga is a part of the treatment of numerous conditions andarthritis is only one of them. The fact that it helps in dealing with everydaystress, as well as that it improves the circulation of the blood in the joints, makes it valuable for those who suffer from arthritis.
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