Facts about lung cancer
The highest percentage of cancer diseases takes lung cancer. Depending on the look of the cell, we differentiate two types of lung cancer: Small cell lung cancer (very rare disease, usually spotted in the last phase, often fatal) and non-small cell lung cancer (more common type, spreads slowly and easier to treat).
Small cell lung cancer
It is very rare lung cancer type, very aggressive one, usually fatal. Because of its “hidden” symptoms, has the ability to develop and spread very quickly. By the looking of the cells, we can split it into three groups : Small cell carcinoma, mixed cell carcinoma and combined small cell carcinoma. Some of the therapies for this disease are radiation therapy, chemotherapy and sometimes even surgery.
Non-small cell lung cancer
Considering the shapes and habits of the cells, we can divide non-small cell lung cancer into five different types of this disease. Squamos cell carcinoma (thin, small cells), large cell carcinoma (big cells), adenocarcinoma (cells with the secret) , adenosquamos carcinoma (thin, flat cells with secret) and undifferentiated carcinoma ( cells that have ability of multiplying very quickly. Therapies for this kind of cancer disease can be various, and depend on condition of the illness and location of the cells. The most usual procedure is cryosurgery which destroys infected tissue. Other used therapies are chemotherapy and radiation therapy and both of them slow down the development of the disease.
Treatment of the both types of the lung cancer
There are some differences in therapies for these two types of illness, because of their specific origin. Also there exist generally good therapies or combinations of them, which can be applied for both of types.
Surgery often represents one of the best solutions because provides removing of the infected tissue, and that way, helps to stop development of the cancer. There are few types of this kind of surgery: lobectomy (removal of the part of the lung) and pneumonectomy (removal of the entire lung). If disease is too much spread, the procedure can’t take a place.
Another type of treatment is chemotherapy and it is consisted of powerful drugs which should be taken by the patient, in order to kill cancer cells. Often this therapy is prescribed after the surgery to prevent infection of the healthy cells. Side effects of this therapy are nausea and vomiting, hair loss and fatigue.
Also, one of the popular methods of treating the lung cancer is radiation therapy and it is performed by high-energy rays in order to kill cancer cells. This therapy is good for the patients whose disease is located on the small area. Usually, this treatment is combined with the surgery or chemotherapy, because of its powerful characteristic of destroying infected cells. Disadvantage of this treatment is that, beside destroying cancer cells it also affects healthy ones. Side effects are similar to chemotherapy.
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