Loss of appetite is most often an unfortunate premonition of an underlying condition such as cancer. Thus, it is important to notice the symptoms in order to react timely and prevent it from spreading. Loss of appetite manifests itself mainly through one's inability to eat, followed by a lack of desire for food, along with feeling of fullness even after minimal consumption. Also, loss of body weight and muscles is a byproduct of this condition.
Possible Causes and Manifestations
As mentioned above, loss of appetite is often caused by cancer. In most cases this condition is a mark of advanced stadiums of either stomach, pancreatic, ovarian, or some other types of cancer.
Since these types of cancer attack one's metabolism, it mostly reflects on the body of the suffering person. Severe weight loss as well as poor physical condition stand as the most frequent indicators.
Along with cancer, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and many others related to one's stomach and digestive system, may all be the causes behind one's loss of appetite. Among these, radiotherapy is also an additional cause, since it interferes with, and alters many body functions causing nausea and pain, interfering with one's senses and desires through depression and many difficulties it causes regarding nutrition.
Valuable Pieces of Advice
First of all, as with many other conditions, one must find a cause behind it. Seek medical attention timely, and pay attention to the symptoms and changes in your appetite and nutritional habits.
There are numerous medications which can stimulate one's appetite, as well as those which ensure proper digestion and bodily functions regarding it, so one may take these into consideration as well.
Eating is very important when fighting cancer as well as when leading everyday life. One must bear this fact in mind throughout his or her struggle and force him or herself to eat regularly and properly. One should eat often and should not impose limits to the portions but rather eat as much as he or she can. Five meals daily with additional, occasional snacks are an excellent choice when it comes to organization. Snacks should be rich in protein and calories and should always be near you in case you feel hungry.
Calorie and protein rich sauces and gravies are an excellent addition to one's regular meals since these boost all the nutritive values of it and ensure body gain while preventing its loss. Also, drinks should be avoided during meals since these may cause you to feel full too early. Rather, drink milk or milkshakes between meals since those have high nutritive values as well.
Finally, ask your family or friends to help you prepare your meals if you are tired or not willing to. Additionally, ensure a friendly and pleasant eating environment which will stimulate your appetite, and, in cases of taste loss, feel free to use additional spices.
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