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Migraine is a rather secretive and mysterious form of headache. There are several interpretations about the causes of its origin. Most doctors think that the migraine is caused by disorder of serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain that result in changing diameter of cerebral blood vessels. However some experts argue that migraines are result of neurological disorders.


In addition to the unilateral, pulsating pain, which usually lasts from 4-72 hours, migraine is often accompanied by nausea with vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound.


Migraine is associated with changes in the level of hormones, especially estrogen. It often occurs during menstruation, pregnancy and in women in menopause. Use of contraceptive pills may affect its occurrence. Migraine is also associated with sea level changes, skipping meals, certain foods and smells, stress and mental fatigue. It was observed that this disease often occurs between members of one family so there is a genetic factor that affects its appearance. Women suffer from migraine three times more often than men.


There are many different therapies for migraine. Doctors often first attempt with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin or ibuprofen. They have fewer side effects than drugs for migraines. If the above remedies do not effectively help in overcoming the migraines, doctor may recommend medications to treat or prevent migraine.

Some medications for migraine, such as sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan, eletriptan and Frovatriptan are often used to treat migraines in the beginning

Preventive medicines for migraine, such as propanolol, Divalproex (Depakote), or tricyclic antidepressants are used to prevent migraines in some people who get them regularly.

Non-traditional therapies such as acupuncture or herbs treatment may be added to treatment with medication to reduce the pain or the number of migraine, although more researches are needed to determine whether these alternative therapies really work.

However, prevention can reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks.

To the migraine attacks often precede the appearance of visual disturbances or so-called aura (flickering of light dots, occurrence of blind points, numbness of limbs). When aura appears person should put ice covering on head, and put legs in hot water. After that she or he should retreat in the shaded room and lie down for a while.

Aromatherapists recommend massaging the scalp with ethereal oils of lavender, basil or mint. It is necessary to dissolve a few drops of essential oil (two to three) in 10ml carrier oil (sunflower, olive, almond). Currently, herbal medicines against migraine on the basis of tansy are very popular. Tansy reduces the intensity of migraine attacks, extends intervals between the attacks and prevent vomiting, but does not affect the length of the attack. Tansy is not recommended for pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage. After twenty days of use one should make several days brake.

In addition to tansy against this disease is recommended balm, mint, yarrow, primrose and chamomile. Laurel leaves can also be helpful in migraine due to parthenolide a substance that inhibits the secretion of ratonin and thus prevents changing diameter of blood vessels in the brain.

Treatment of migraine also uses calcium channel blockers. In plants (carrots, parsley, fennel, cumin, angelica) was found more than a dozen compounds that act as calcium channel blockers.

People who suffer from migraines are advised to exclude from eating chocolate, citrus, processed cheeses, meat and canned and condiments food that contain sodium glutamine. Enhanced entry of magnesium and vitamin B6 is also recommended.

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