Known causes
When people go in for a surgery or are injured and need first aid the first thing that is used is Betadine solution. Betadine solution has 10% Povidone iodine in its substance. When it is used it can cause a sudden reaction of the skin and can even lead to some more serious problems. Because of this, a patient must tell the doctor if he or she had any reactions to iodine in the past. There were cases when a person was given the contrast media dye injection before echocardiograms or CT scans and it resulted in an allergic reaction. In order for this not to happen a person should talk to the doctor and ask him or her for a safer alternative.
Iodine allergy symptoms
When a person experiences a reaction to iodine he or she may experience the symptoms in a couple of minutes after the allergen enters the system. This reaction happens when the immune system mistakes the iodine for something that may harm a person and sends the histamines to fight off the iodine. This is when the symptoms occur. Even though iodine plays a part in the production of hormones there are people who are allergic to it. People who are allergic to shellfish or some iodine-rich seafood have an even greater chance of being allergic to iodine.
Thyroid problemsIt is not uncommon for a person who is allergic to iodine to have a thyroid problem as well. This is because the body is not able to take the iodine it needs to create the needed hormones. Constipation, weakness and mental problems are the things a person may experience if he or she is lacking this hormone.
SwellingIf a person's lips, tongue or throat swell up it is a sure sign of an allergy. Throat swelling is the most dangerous of these swellings.
External swellingEven though this rarely happens it is possible. On the other hand internal swelling and other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and wheezing may be present.
Eyes and noseRed or watery eyes and itchy and runny nose may be the symptoms of an allergy.
ShockEven though it is rare for a person to go into anaphylactic shock, it happens. When this happens it is very important that a person receives medical help.
These symptoms differ from person to person. In most cases people mistake the symptoms of an iodine allergy for something else.
Iodine studiesStudies have shown that people who are allergic to iodine are not allergic to iodide. This is important to know because lots of topical medicines contain iodide.
TreatmentIn most cases a skin reaction to iodine appears in the form of hives or rash and can be treated with an oral antihistamine like Benadryl for instance.
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