Some people develop unexplained skin rash and other symptoms after a meal. The cause might be allergic reaction to gluten. In this article we will provide information about gluten allergy and causes, symptoms and treatment of this medical condition.
Causes of Gluten AllergyGluten is a protein, naturally present in grains like wheat, barley and rye. It can be also found in smaller amount in some other foods. Gluten may cause allergic reaction in some people and result in several symptoms that may even be life threatening in those who are extremely sensitive to gluten. The cause for gluten allergy is still unexplained but scientists believe that it is related to heredity. Gluten allergy is most often seen in people who have blood type O and those of Mediterranean, Irish and English descent. However, the condition is not limited only to that blood type and heritage. It has been also noticed that gluten allergy may develop after trauma or severe stressful event such as death of a loved one, divorce, pregnancy, loss of job, depression and serious physical injury. Women are more prone to gluten allergy than man and the onset of the condition may be between 6 months to 2 years of age in children and ages between 30 and 50 in adults.
Symptoms of Gluten Allergy
Gluten allergy can be manifested in number of different symptoms. A person allergic to gluten usually experiences abdominal pain and bloating. Indigestion, nausea and vomiting may also be present. Gluten allergy is accompanied with fatigue too. Weight loss often results from adverse reaction to gluten. Severe skin conditions can be seen frequently in people with gluten allergy. Skin reactions to gluten include skin blisters, redness and itchiness and blisters inside the mouth.
Diagnosis of Gluten AllergyIn case you experience above mentioned symptoms after you eat, seek medical help. An allergy test is used to determine whether it is a gluten allergy or celiac disease that a person suffers from. But, this test may be negative even if gluten allergy is present. Because of that, elimination diet is used to make correct diagnosis. Elimination diet involves eliminating all foods containing gluten to see if the symptoms will go away.
Natural Treatment for Symptoms of Gluten Allergy
The treatment for gluten allergy involves avoiding gluten foods for a lifetime. Gluten free foods help to eliminate the symptoms of the allergy. Foods that have to be avoided include biscuits, bread, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, flour, pasta, ice cream, pudding, sausages, tortillas, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, candies, and others. Skin care products may also cause response in people with gluten allergy because skin absorbs anything that it comes in direct contact with. Therefore, people with gluten allergy should use gluten free skin care products.
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