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Introduction to acid reflux in children

It might be hard to believe, but up to 65% of all infants suffer from acid reflux. However, thankfully, this issue usually resolves itself in between six and 12 months of age.

Regardless, it can be very distressing for the parent, especially since the baby is not able to tell the parent that they have a problem.

Acid reflux is a condition when food from stomach and the acid located in the stomach does not stay there, but rather goes back up into a person’s esophagus. This can cause great discomfort and can result in vomiting and constant nausea.

Thankfully, there are some useful home remedies for this problem, but lets take a look at the symptoms first.

Sine the child is obviously not able to explain to the parent what is bothering them, it is very important that a parent is alert and always on the lookout for symptoms of acid reflux in their child.

An infant with acid reflux will often be irritable and while the child is eating, it is very common that it will spit up its food very often and not want to eat. Therefore, a child eating less than it usually eats is yet another symptom of possible acid reflux.

Other symptoms include general symptoms of discomfort, such as constant crying, wet burps, coughing and bad breath. These can all point to acid reflux and result from the acid content of the stomach irritating the esophagus of the child.

The infant might also have a hard time swallowing, they might drool more than usual and lose weight as well.

Ear and sinus infections are other symptoms of acid reflux in children.

When a child has acid reflux, it might also be accompanied by hoarseness and a change in the voice. They might also suffer from respiratory problems as well. TreatmentsFirst and foremost, it is important to change the eating habits of the child in order to get rid of the symptoms that are very unpleasant for the child.

It is important to avoid feeding the child large meals, but rather, feeding them smaller meals more frequently instead.

Some people say that it is also good to play some soothing music as well when feeding the child and to avoid all distractions while the child is eating.

It is also important not to put the child to bed right after eating, but to make sure that the infant remains upright for at least a half hour after feeding.

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