When a person is bitten by a cat or a dog they need to wash the wound gently with soap and water if it is not too serious and then apply pressure with a clean towel to the injured area in order to stop any bleeding that may occur.
After the wound is washed and the bleeding has stopped, then it should be covered with a sterile bandage. It is important to also try and keep the injured area elevated so that the swelling will stop and there will be less of a chance of the wound getting infected.
It is also very important to notify the proper authorities of the aggressive animal—either the police or some kind of animal control.
Antibiotic ointment should be applied to the area at least twice a day until it heals up completely.
Of course if a bite is more severe then the person should visit the doctor for treatment.
Cat bites are more prone to cause an infection, and if a cat only scratches the person there is no need to see a doctor unless the scratch gets infected.
A dog bite is usually a lot deeper than a cat bite.
If a person already has a serious condition like diabetes, liver or lung disease, cancer, AIDS or another condition that could weaken the immune system, they need to visit the doctor immediately.
A doctor should also be seen if there are signs of infection such as swelling and oozing puss or fever.
If the bleeding from the bite does not stop after applying pressure to it for 15 minutes, it could be a case of a broken bone, nerve damage or another more serious injury. A doctor should also be called if the person that was bitten has not had a tetanus shot in over five years or if he or she was bitten by a wild animal or domestic one that has not received all necessary immunizations.
After looking at the wound a doctor will determine how serious the injury is and whether there was any nerve, tendon or bone damage incurred. He or she will also look for signs of an infection.
If the wound is deep the doctor will stitch it but if it is not too deep it will be left open, which will increase the speed of recovery.
The doctor might also prescribe an antibiotic in order to prevent infection.
In the most serious cases, especially if a serious infection has occurred the doctor will recommend that the patient be taken to a hospital to receive intravenous therapy for treating the infection.
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