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Getting rid of blisters

Patience is the key word when we are talking about getting rid of the blisters. Abstaining from scraping the pustule with a sharp object and puncturing it is of great importance. A pustule is a tiny bag on the skin that is the result of your body reacting to a stressful situation. The moment your body notices there is something wrong and that some harm has been done, it reacts by forming a blister. It is basically a good thing, signalling that your body is able to fight the emergency situation that has arisen.

The puss that has accumulated in the tiny bag is largely built of white blood cells (whose job is to fight germs), so that tells us that our bodies know exactly what they are doing. Since, a blister is a thing very natural to a body, it is our body’s job to naturally get rid of it when the time is right. This means that there is no safe way of violently getting disposed of them. The moment the blister has performed its function, your body will start the evacuation process – the blister will slowly dry out and be replaced with a regular patch of skin. However, there are some steps we can take in order to help our bodies get through the process more smoothly.

Forestalling the problem

It would be best if we could prevent the onset of a blister. What we can do in that respect is put on gloves when performing physical work, and also utilize protective clothes. If you take measures to shield your skin properly, your body might not be forced to create a blister. Then, if you are preparing food, utilize oven mittens so as to prevent the appearance of heat-induced blisters. Also, if you are spending time in the sun, take precautionary measures in order to avoid blisters.

Dealing with blisters

A good measure for helping a fresh blister is washing it with soap, and afterwards treating it with a cream containing an antibiotic substance. That way you are decreasing the quantity of bacteria that are lurking around the fresh wound, so this measure reduces the chances of getting an infection and lengthening the period the body needs to deal with the situation on its own.

The best thing you can do is protect the blister with a sterile cloth or gauze, abstaining from puncturing it. In case the pustule’s integrity is compromised, wash it, again treat with an antibiotic and protect from the environment.

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