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Infertility is on the rise all over the world. More than seven percent of married couples in the United States are now struggling with infertility, a figure that goes up when you look at non-married couples or single women. In a climate like that, it is no surprise that fertility treatment is also becoming more popular all the time, and very socially accepted. A lot has changed in the last few decades, and fertility treatments have excellent success rates now. Something that has not changed is the fact that fertility treatments can be very expensive, and that many people who need it cannot afford it. Are you struggling with infertility, and wondering what loops you will need to jump through to be able to afford fertility treatment?

No matter what fertility treatment you need, ranging from simple IUI procedures to medication to induce ovulation, and all the way to IVF, the first thing you need to do if you are insured is to check whether your insurance policy covers fertility treatments. Sometimes they cover treatments almost completely, sometimes partially and sometimes they will pay for a few cycles of whatever it is that you need. According to some sources, around 40 percent of all US insurance companies will cover some kind of infertility treatment, and in some cases that may even include Medicaid.

If you have found out that your insurance policy will not cover the fertility treatments that you need to give you a shot at getting pregnant, do not give up. Very often, fertility clinics themselves will offer some kind of payment plan that puts fertility treatment within your reach. Ask around at a few fertility clinics, because some of these programs are more appealing than others. Some families end up taking out a personal loan or even a second mortgage to help them pay for IVF. Paying for fertility treatment is often a challenge. Still, statistics show that the earlier you commence fertility treatment the more likely the chance of success.

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