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People usually do not take depression into account when it comes to children, teens and adolescents with Down syndrome. Basically, these people are considered to be compliant, happy and congenial. Thus, the possibility of them being depressed is often neglected or not even taken as a possibility. However, people with Down syndrome are equally prone to mental illnesses as other individuals are.

Depression and Teens with Down Syndrome

If we are to discuss possible reasons behind depression in young people with this condition, we need to bear in mind that any kind of abrupt change in their daily routine can act as a shock. Thus, changing schools, house, moving from one location to another, death of a close one or the fact that other siblings may move eventually, all are factors which can contribute to feelings of despair, unbearable grief and mourning, which can escalate into depression.

All these changes lead to confusion, uneasiness and fear, as well as anxiety. Also, many times, the rest of the family or social circles the person with Down syndrome may belong to, can spend their time talking about sports, certain TV shows or any other manifestations, excluding their neglected family member. This too can lead to feeling of estrangement, isolation and emotional pain.

Often, medications that this kind of young people are taking in order to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, which is common in their situation, may prove to have numerous side-effects which can easily lead to depression. Additionally, such drugs may trigger sleeping disorders, loss of appetite, lack of self-hygiene awareness, antisocial behavior and many other side-effects.

Adequate Help – Amazing Results

People need to become aware of depression being a potential problem affecting people with Down syndrome as well. Thus, current viewpoints need to be broken and levels of awareness raised. Most commonly, all that these young, depressed, people need is compassion, support and understanding, with the necessary affection. Therefore, family members need to consult with health experts when it comes to this condition and learn everything there is to learn about it, knowing how to understand their family member better and help him/her in case of any special needs or problems.

There are many local Down syndrome support groups which can prove to be more than helpful in providing this information. Also, many online sources serve the same purpose. Thus, get informed, pay attention to your family member’s needs and make sure that he/she is always happy and satisfied.

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