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There is not a person in the world that does not know what diarrhea is or has never experienced suffering from one. According to the studies, an average person suffers from diarrhea four times during a year. The definition of diarrhea is the passage of loose stools. This definition is the same for both the adults and the children and babies.


People should know that there are many things and factors that can lead to a person suffering from diarrhea. However, there are some causes that occur more often than the others. For instance, some of the most common causes of diarrhea in babies and young children are antibiotics, the consumption of excessive amounts of fruit or fruit juices, sensitivity to certain foods, illness and infection.Diet

Parents need to know that there are certain foods that can cause diarrhea. There are also foods that can make the situation even worse in cases when a child is already suffering from diarrhea. In cases when a child is experiencing diarrhea, parents can make some changes in his or her diet.Experts agree that in most cases the parent should continue feeding the child as usual. It is not uncommon for most children to keep up with the lost nutrients if they consume more food than usual. When babies are considered, it is important not to stop breastfeeding.Lots of children develop mild lactose intolerance and that is quite common.The babies who are eating solid foods should continue eating them as long as they can keep the food down. There is no specific diet for diarrhea and parents need to know that. However, children do tolerate certain foods better than other. Starches, fresh fruits and vegetables are known to aid in the creation of solid stools in some cases. On the other hand, fruit juices should be avoided.If antibiotics are the cause, the child should be given yoghurt with live active cultures.


Parents need to know that fluids are essential when a child suffers from diarrhea because children are more prone to suffering from dehydration. Lost fluids need to be replaced.All the fluids that a child drinks normally should be enough to prevent dehydration. However, too much water can be dangerous due to the fact that water does not contain any sugars or important electrolytes.Parents should also know that there are rehydration solutions available. Pedialyte and Infalyte are also available.

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