When a woman gets pregnant she will experience a number of side effects that come hand in hand with the pregnancy and they will change, dissipate or worsen throughout the nine months depending on each individual. One of the symptoms is constipation.
Constipation and Pregnancy
Constipation during the pregnancy refers to when the bowel movement becomes more lethargic. The constipation can cause a pregnant woman to feel bloated and uncomfortable and it can also in some cases become painful. If this is the case then you should see your doctor. Constipation can also cause you to get hemorrhoids.The Causes of Constipation during Pregnancy
The hormones are to blame for this symptom as they make the muscles relax. The hormones are doing this to your body because they want your food to stay inside you a little longer so you can use as much nutrients as possible to feed the fetus. Another cause of constipation in pregnancy is the enlarged uterus which inevitably applies pressure on the intestines causing them to become cramped thus making it harder to pass fecal matter through regularly. The constipation symptom will go away eventually. However there are measures you can take to aid in the removal of the constipation.Treatment of Constipation during Pregnancy
You need to start eating more fiber, this can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables which can be raw or just slightly cooked. You can also locate fiber in whole-grain cereals and breads, legumes and dried fruits. You should also decrease the amount of refined foods like white rice and white bread. This change will need to be done slowly or you will suffer with other symptoms like gas and bloating. It is advisable to eat little and often as it is also advisable to do this whether you are pregnant or not. If you eat large meals two or three times a day then you have chances to become clogged up. Allow your system to take its time and continually and slowly digest the foods by giving yourself five to six small meals a day. Make sure you drink plenty of water and juices which will help to make the stool soft which in turn makes it easier for you to pass. Many women will advise you to try hot water and lemon and if you are really struggling then go for prune juice. Exercise can help the bowel movement so go for a walk in the evenings to help get things moving.
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