A person`s disability to distinguish colors is called color blindness, and this disorder is usually inherited. According to the statistics, about 0.5% of all women suffer from color blindness, while almost 8% of all men suffer from it. The person who suffers from color blindness is usually unable to differentiate some or all colors. Although very rare, this disorder has two types and they are partial color blindness and total color blindness. There is also one more type of color blindness, which is the most common one and which makes a person unable to distinguish green and red color, but, also the whole spectrum of these two colors. People who suffer from this condition cannot become pilots or surgeons and may not be allowed to drive vehicles and they can find some of the everyday activities difficult to fulfill due to their condition.
Color blindness usually occurs due to the genetics, meaning that it is passed from one generation to another. What causes the color blindness is the improper work or absence of one of three cones in our eyes that are responsible for distinguishing colors. Color blindness is present at the time of the birth of the child and cannot be reversed or treated. Some people can also suffer from the color blindness due to some kind of eye problem, injury of the eye, aging or as a side effect of using certain medications or drugs.
There are several known symptoms of color blindness. In very severe cases when a person suffers from total color blindness, he or she may be unable to distinguish any other color but white, grey and black. One more very important symptom of color blindness is the disability to see the brightness of colors. If a person suffers from partial color blindness, then he or she may not be able to differentiate green and red, or yellow and blue color. Also a disability to distinguish shades of any color is one more symptom of the color blindness.
There are various treatments depending on the type of the color blindness. The Ishihara test and pseudoisochromatic test are very good to check if a person suffers from it. However, no treatment can help the inherited color blindness, which along with the total color blindness, lasts forever and it can get worse as the time goes by. On the contrary, acquired and partial color blindness can be treated by wearing corrective glasses, surgery, or by quitting with consuming certain drugs or medications that caused the color blindness. If a person acquires color blindness, he or she can reverse it completely with the appropriate treatment. If you notice any of the symptoms of color blindness, you should check it with the ophthalmologist.
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