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Color blindness or Daltonism is inability to distinct certain colors. Although, both men and women can suffer from color blindness, only 0.5 percent of all women suffer from it. On the contrary, as much as 8 percent of all men suffer from color blindness. The interesting fact about it is that it`s related to chromosome X, and men are more prone to have it. Woman who don`t suffer from color blindness could very easily be the active carriers of it. Name Daltonism was given after a blind English scientist John Dalton, who first presented a paper about color blindness. Even today, there is still no treatment for color blindness.

Color Blindness Facts and Categories

Color blindness is passed from one generation to another, but sometimes it could be connected to some damage that was done to nerves, brain or the eye, or to the exposure to certain chemicals, which is very rare. For people who suffer from color blindness some tasks in everyday life could be difficult and challenging. If you have color blindness, you could make some mistakes like choosing the wrong color of clothes, wall paint or certain kinds of food. There is severe color blindness, which is divided into four categories and it is also called achromatopsia or monochromacy, which is usually associated with the condition of the eye like amblyopia and nystagmus. Other three categories are strongly color blind, moderately color blind, and slightly color blind.

Red Green Color Blindness

Individuals who suffer from red-green color blindness are among 99% of all color blindness people in the world. One half of them has problem with green colors and one half with red color. But don`t be mistaken to think that they don`t recognize only these two colors. They have a problem recognizing the whole spectrum of colors. A form of red-green color blindness is called deuteranomaly, which is the most common form of color blindness.

Testing Color Blindness

Many color blindness tests could be performed to test color blindness, but we are going to mention just some of them. You can test color blindness by using Anomaloscope test, which is good in measuring qualitative and quantitative anomalies in color perception and is the most accurate of all tests. Other tests are arrangement test and pseudoisochromatic plates. One interesting thing that people with color blindness can do and people with normal vision can`t is that they can penetrate some camouflages easily. All in all, people who suffer from color blindness should be more careful in doing everyday activities.

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