CBT, that is to say, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , is quite common a treatment for eating disorders. This disorder tends to help misguided individuals by means of breaking the problem into smaller, more digestible, components. In this way the, for example, eating disorder ridden patient may draw his or her own conclusions about the situation and make changes accordingly.
Because little is known in the ways of cognitive therapy treating eating disorders, this bit of the article aims to inform and shed some light on the topic. It is written in a FAQ fashion, as it its content is deducted from such.
What is CBT? CBT is bared around the idea that most thoughts and actions are related. Accordingly, its goals are to help patients suffering from various types of cognitive issues, reestablish their common sense, in a way. This is done by means of questioning the relationships between the particular subject's certain portion of thoughts and actions.
What does it do? It sheds light on the relationships between a persons thoughts and actions, and gives him or her the chance to reevaluate them.
How is it administered? The sessions are weekly and tend to last to about an hour or so. They may be either private or group treatments. The course of sessions lasts to about six months.
Why does it work with eating disorders? Because for victims of eating disorders it is very important to understand the relationships between emotions and actions, as their emotional state is causing them physical harm. They tend to compensate negative feelings with overeating. Once they can grasp the core of the problem, they can then start regulating their own diet to a more moderate one.
Does it cure eating disorders? No, it doesn't. What it does is shed some light on the disorder it self, that it may help the individual make the first few necessary steps towards resolving this issue.
What does it teach, then? CBT teaches the patient to recognize links between thoughts and actions as well as how to avoid suffering stress in certain situations, as well a certain extent of self-control.
How may it be accessed? It is offered by qualified, specially trained therapists – only.
Treatment Overview
This type of counseling is of the slightly more active kind. The counselors agenda may include teaching the patient: about his or her illness and how to predict the occurrence of symptoms, to keep a diary on his or her food intake, eat more regularly, change incorrect beliefs about the symptoms, replace ineffective thought patters with more helpful ones, a way to handle daily problems differently, change behaviors that do not help for ones that actually do, and lastly, how to reduce fears that are related to the symptoms.
The Conclusion
Lastly, it is important to notice that there are no known risks to going through a course of CBS treatment, and that, as little or much as it may help, every effort in resolving this particular disorder is worth the attention.
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