This is not only done just to discuss things that you could easily find out about yourself, such as prenatal supplements, folic acid, and ovulation. Preconception checkups can uncover reproductive problems you might have, and STD testing is also recommended before you try for a baby.
Before you start interviewing OBs, thinking about what you expect and need from your doctor is important. Those who have specific needs (for instance if you have PCOS, are over 40, or have a bicornuate uterus) can choose an OB that has expertise in your particular area of concern. Women who are committed to having a natural birth will choose a different OB to those who would like epidural anesthesia.
OBs who are supportive of natural childbirth are a good match for those who want this too, but not for those who want a pain-free delivery! Likewise, some OBs can guarantee they will attend your delivery, while others work with large groups and provide whoever is on call at the time you go into labor. Asking L&D nurses can be a great way of finding a good OB. They have had the opportunity to see many OBs in action, and are able to recommend one that most perfectly matches your own needs and wants. Questions about what a particular OB usually does during pregnancy and birth are another great tool to find out what to expect. What is your OB's c-section rate? How often does she deal with high-risk patients? How does she feel about prenatal testing? These are all questions that will help you make your decision.
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