Consequences from a ruptured spleen can be the very severe, and they may lead to internal bleeding that can end with death. Spleen can be ruptured if you experience some serious trauma and this condition demands immediate treatment. Human spleen is settled below rib cage, and because of the location, people are more likely to injure spleen than some other organ in a car accident, for example. The practice, in the past, was to immediately remove the bleeding spleen if it is injured, but these days an injured spleen can be treated. The spleen treatment requires several days in hospital, because it takes time for the spleen to cure completely. Spleen is a very important organ that helps our body to clean from old and damaged blood cells, to filter material that our body doesn’t want and to produce red blood cells and some types of white blood cells. Symptoms that indicate ruptured spleen are low blood pressure, blurred vision and fainting, and this condition demands immediate medical attention, so if you feel any pain in the upper left abdomen area that is followed by the above mentioned symptoms, please go to the emergency room, where doctors can diagnose your condition and start treatment on time.
Causes of ruptured spleen
There are numbers of causes for spleen ruptures, but most common cause is a blow in the abdomen area, which can happen at sport field, in a fight, or in a car crash. It is not uncommon for a spleen to rupture even few days or weeks after abdominal injury. One of the most severe causes of mononucleosis is a ruptured spleen.
Treatments and drugs
In cases when spleen injuries are not so severe, the process of treatment doesn’t include surgery. In such cases, some other treatment methods are implemented and they include nonsurgical care and blood transfusions. If the problem with your spleen is more serious, surgery is necessary and it may be done in order to remove or repair the spleen. The process of splenectomy is conducted in sterilized environment and a small cut is made. The cut is large enough only to insert a slider tube and camera lens. Transfusion is necessary only if you loose too much blood, and it is done in order to improve circulation.
If you are faced with the possibility of loosing your spleen, you should know that you can lead a very active life even after it. There are some risks that include liability to infections that can endanger your health, so it is better that you get vaccines against flu and pneumonia. In some cases, if a doctor prescribes them, preventive antibiotics are used so that they can protect you from infections.
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