The phenomenon of low blood pressure
Blood that is circulating in our veins and that is essential to existence exerts a certain amount of pressure on the arteries and veins. They have been built suitable for enduring that pressure without sustaining any damage over several decades. However, this pressure can fluctuate in some people. Thus, some people report elevated and some report significantly decreased levels of blood pressure.
The values of 120 and 80 for systolic and diastolic pressure respectively are typically taken as the normal values to which we compare patients’ pressure. The value of systolic pressure in healthy adults varies somewhere between 120 and 90 mm Hg. Diastolic component is considered as normal in cases it does not exceed the range between 80 and 60 mm Hg. People who have high blood pressure run the chance of getting heart and kidney ailments, plus atherosclerosis or even stroke.
On the other hand, having significantly decreased levels of blood pressure occurs when the flow of blood through the bloodstream is insufficiently intensive. This condition is not without its dangers. For instance, it can result in poor oxygenation and nutrition of some vital organs like brain, heart and kidneys. Note that low blood pressure does not manifest in all people with the same level of blood pressure. In some it may appear, when their blood pressure is lower than 90/50 and some when their level of blood pressure is lower than 100 and 60 for systolic and diastolic values.
Some major symptoms of low pressure
Light-headedness is one of the key indicators that a person is suffering from lower-than-normal level of blood pressure. This signs represents an alarm to go see the doctor. This symptom appears when insufficient amounts of blood are delivered to the brain, thus preventing it from functioning properly. These patients most often complain that they have the feeling that they are very weak and that they are about to fall down.
It is important not to confuse this dizziness with classic vertigo. While lightheadedness occurs when a person’s brain is somewhat short of blood, vertigo is a disorder related to the inner ear and the center for balance in the central organ of the nervous system. Since these are two separate ailments, it is of utmost importance that the patient and the doctor work together on pinpointing the culprit and later treating the disease. Be that as it may, when a person notices that they feel dizzy while standing for some time, or while performing their everyday duties, they need to speak to their physician and get proper expert advice.
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