The human body has four vital signs and they are blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate. Blood pressure refers to the pressure that the blood makes on the walls of the blood vessels. It is measured by means of a sphygmomanometer, which is a device made of an inflated cuff connected to a scale that shows two readings. The upper number is systolic blood pressure, which shows the blood pressure when the heart is beating, while the lower number shows the blood pressure when the heart is not beating. This blood pressure is called diastolic blood pressure.
High diastolic blood pressure
Blood pressure in healthy people is around 120/80 mm Hg. It can show slight variations. High systolic blood pressure occurs when the systolic blood pressure is above 120 mm Hg, while high diastolic blood pressure occurs when the diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mm Hg.
It is found that the younger population mostly suffers from high diastolic blood pressure, while the older population has the problems with high systolic blood pressure. It is very important to control both high blood pressures since they have serious consequences to the heart, cardiovascular system in total and the kidneys.
Causes of high diastolic blood pressure
In many cases, the main cause for the occurrence of high diastolic blood pressure is obesity and obese people are prone to develop high blood pressure due to the fact that high levels of cholesterol and fatty materials apply more pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.Another major cause responsible for the appearance of high diastolic blood pressure is unhealthy diet, particularly if it is high in cholesterol and salts. Sodium and chlorine are two main components of salt. High levels of sodium in the blood lead to hypertension.It is also considered that excessive consummation of alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes can also cause this condition.High diastolic blood pressure may be induced by certain kidney problems and for that reason, people who suffer from type 2 diabetes are susceptible to hypertension. The occurrence of the high diastolic blood pressure may also depend on the age and lifestyle of an individual, but also on stress and depression.One of the main serious consequences of high diastolic blood pressure is diastolic heart failure. Therefore, this cardiovascular disorder should be controlled. The people with high diastolic blood pressure should consume a healthy diet, avoid salt, lose body weight, exercise regularly, quit smoking and reduce the intake of alcohol and caffeine.
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