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Systemic Circulation

This term signifies the process of blood flow to the entire body from the heart. The blood that became deoxygenated then goes from every corner of the body to the heart. We will focus on this in the following text, since it is important to know how one of the body’s most vital system work. We will talk about the ways the oxygen reaches the heart or cells, why body has so many cells, or why human heart beats. Every piece of this can be explained through the process of systemic circulation. It is responsible for the proper flow of the blood through the entire body and also is the part of cardiovascular system or circulatory system. This system can be divided into pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation. The part responsible for distribution of purified blood from the heart to the entire body is a responsibility of the systemic circulation. This process helps the arteries to work properly. Then with the help from the veins, the impure blood travels to the heart. The other part of the systemic circulation is responsible for the purification of the blood. This process takes place in the lungs. We will try to explain how the circulatory system works.

The Pathway

This pathway consists of the venules, veins, capillaries, arterioles, arteries and other. Each of them has its own place and function in the circulatory system. We will focus next on the process of blood purification and ways of deoxygenating of the blood. Also, we will talk about the ways the blood returns to the heart impure. Everything begins when the human heart receives the blood sent from the lungs. The left atrium is the first destination of the blood. The blood located here gets pumped by the heart and expelled out from the left atrium. The next destination of the blood is aorta, which is a major artery. This major artery is divided into two parts or arteries. The first on the one that goes up to the Head and shoulders, and the one going down to the legs, stomach and other parts of the body located there. The further division of the going up artery is on the carotid, which takes blood to the neck and head area, and the subclavian artery, which reaches the shoulders. The one going down can be divided in menestric, which reaches intestines and stomach; renal, which reaches kidneys; iliac which reaches legs and genitals; and hepatic which reaches liver. The areoles and capillaries are two types of arteries. Next in the process, the deoxygenated blood has to return to the heart. Jugular vein returns the blood from the neck and the head. Subclavar returns the blood from the shoulders, renal from the lower area of the body, hepatic from the liver and iliac from the legs and genitals. They connect in vena cava, which moves the blood to the right auricle and then to the lungs. Here, the process starts again from the purification. This process helps the whole body to be properly nurtured and also eliminates the toxins from the kidneys. The process of detoxification helps the oxidation of the blood.

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